Making New Year’s resolutions is an excellent way to set a goal and find a way to stick to it. Many people resolve to be healthier. Don’t forget your eyes in your health resolutions! In order to be able to see clearly, you need healthy eyes and to ensure that you’re taking proper care of any visual aids you use.
Here are some excellent New Year’s resolutions for your eye health to strive to in the upcoming year.
#1. Schedule An Eye Exam

If you use contact lenses or glasses, you may already have an eye exam in the books in order to ensure that your prescription is up to date. However, even if you have 20-20 vision, you should ensure that you schedule an eye exam.
This is because eye exams aren’t just to test your vision, but also to check your eye health. Many eye diseases can progress to serious stages before you even notice. Getting your eyes checked each year helps you rest easier that if you do develop an eye disease, it will be caught sooner rather than later, when it is easier to treat.
During your eye exam, you can also mention any lifestyle concerns you may have. For instance, if you work in a lab, you may ask about prescription safety glasses. If you’ve been experiencing any vision changes or problems, your eye doctor will be able to see what’s going on and give you a prescription or update your current one if needed.
#2. Cut Down On Screen Time
Screens are an unavoidable part of modern life. Regardless of whether you love technology and the digital world or whether you only have a phone and computer because you have to, we all spend a lot of time on screens.
To protect your eye health, make it a resolution to spend less time on your screens, or to more stringently follow the 20-20-20 rule. This is because when you’re looking at a screen, you can forget to blink. This can dry your eyes out. You can also experience eye strain.
If spending hours on screens is unavoidable, ensure you look away from your screen every 20 minutes at somewhere 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Blue light-blocking glasses could also help to protect your eye health.
#3. Strive Towards A Healthier Lifestyle
Resolving to lose weight, exercise more, and eat healthier are some of the most common New Year’s resolutions. These are good for your overall health and wellness, as well as for your eye health.
This is because when you stay active and nourish your body with more whole foods, you’re helping to prevent health problems that can affect your eyes. For instance, being overweight increases your risk of diabetes, which ergo increases your risk of glaucoma.
Incorporate leafy greens and eye-healthy foods into your diet. Ensure that you’re getting enough vitamins to help your eyes. If you’re not sure where to start, our previous blog, Vitamins That Help Your Eyes, is a great jumping-off point.

#4. Take Proper Care Of Your Contacts And Glasses
It’s easy to get lazy when it comes to taking care of your contacts and glasses. It’s also easy to forget about the guidelines your eye doctor gives you. You may wear your contacts for too long or even sleep in them. You may skip over hygienic steps, like washing your hands before putting your contacts in or taking them out. You may try to clean your glasses with just the edge of your shirt.
In order to keep your eyes healthy and to protect your corrective lenses, it’s important to ensure that you’re taking proper care of them. If you have any questions about how to take care of your contact lenses or glasses, your optician can answer them for you.
By taking the appropriate measures to be hygienic with your corrective lenses and to ensure that they’re being taken care of, you can both help them last as long as possible and protect your eyes from what can happen if you don’t.
#5. Educate Yourself On Eye Health
One of the best things you can do to protect your eyes and keep them healthy is to educate yourself on eye health! Our previous blog, Steps To Protect Your Vision, is a good overview. For more in depth and personalized information and advice, consult with your eye doctor.
Wolcott Optical is here to help you see the world clearly with contact lenses and glasses. If you have any questions about contacts or glasses, please don’t hesitate to contact us today! We’re here to help.