Obtaining regular eye exams can go a long way toward protecting the health and functionality of your eyes. When you fail to appropriately care for your eyes, many issues can occur. Regular eye exams will ensure that your eye doctor can find issues with your eyes in the early stages, which will help to protect your vision and reduce the likelihood of issues. Here at Wolcott’s Optical, we care about the overall health of your eyes. For this reason, we provide superior services and tools to ensure that your eyes remain in the best possible condition and you are able to see clearly. It is especially important to procure regular eye exams to protect the health of your eyes.
How often Should you have your Eyes Examined?
There is not a specific frequency for obtaining your eye exams. The amount of time you should take between eye exams will depend on the condition of your eyes, as well as your age. It is vital to always listen to the advice of your optometrist, as they are aware of the health of your eyes and how to maximize the effectiveness of your eye exams. In most cases, those with eye problems should obtain an eye exam on an annual basis, though your eye doctor may recommend more frequent or less frequent visits. Younger individuals with healthy eyes may go an average of 5 years between obtaining their exams, while exams should be obtained more often as the individual ages. Even if you have never experienced any issues with your eyes, it is still important to have your eyes examined regularly.
The Importance of your Eyes

Your eyes are incredibly important parts of your body. Most individuals fail to realize how much they rely on their vision until they have an issue with their eyesight. However, your vision performs many vital functions. It allows individuals to connect with their surroundings and do a great deal to keep them safe. Seeing clearly allows individuals to perceive movement, which can help to detect potential causes of danger. Eyes are vital for driving and undergoing many regular processes. In addition, many young children have difficulty learning when their eyesight is less than ideal, especially considering the fact that the vast majority of education techniques are visually oriented. Unfortunately, children are often unaware that their vision is suffering, as they don’t know any differently.
Why you Need Regular Eye Exams
Regular eye exams are important to maintain the health of your eyes, even if you have never experienced any problems with your eyes previously. For individuals that wear glasses or contacts, regular eye exams can help to keep your prescriptions current, which will allow you to continue to see clearly. Visiting your eye doctor on a regular basis can help them to find early signs of eye disease, which is the point at which they will be more likely to be repaired. Children with eye concerns may perform poorly at school due to issues with their vision. Corrective treatment is often most effective in the early stages. Regular eye exams can go a long way toward helping with nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, along with many other problems that can impact the eyes.
Regular eye exams can help you to keep your mind sharp, as it will allow you to read effectively, as well as perceive the environment around you. It is vital to remember that vision screening processes are not an effective substitute for eye exams. These procedures are generally only effective at locating incredibly obvious issues, but don’t necessarily help to pinpoint more subtle vision concerns. In addition, eyes tend to weaken with age, so it will be important to obtain more frequent eye exams as you get older.
Protecting the Health of your Eyes
Though eyes perform such a vital function in your life, they are also particularly vulnerable to damage. It is important to take steps to protect your eyes and maintain the health of your eyes. Whenever you participate in activities with the potential of flying debris, it is vital to wear protective gear to prevent trauma to your eyes. For example, the appropriate gear should be worn whenever you are working with wood or landscaping. UV rays can also cause damage to the eyes. Protecting your eyes from UV rays can be done by wearing effective, UV reflecting sunglasses to minimize exposure to your eyes. Though many people wear sunglasses on sunny days, overcast and cloudy days may still damage your eyes. Wearing hats with a brim can also help to protect your eyes. Ensure that you never stare directly into the sun.
Eye strain is another common culprit of damage to the eyes. When you work on the computer regularly, it is important to take breaks to allow your eyes to rest. Ensure that you obtain good lighting, particularly when reading or doing something else that may strain your eyes. Blink often to keep your eyes moisturized and always remember to use the appropriate eyewear, especially if you have a prescription. Protecting your overall health can similarly help to protect your eyes. This can include factors like eating healthily, exercising regularly, and quitting smoking. Wash your hands whenever you handle your contact lenses or place your hands near your eyes. Replace contact lenses regularly and ensure that they are disinfected. Obtaining regular eye exams and wearing goggles while swimming can similarly help to protect the health of your eyes.
Come See us for your Eye Exam
You rely on your vision to complete many of your regular tasks. Through our services, you can protect the health of your eyes and ensure that you are able to see clearly and comfortably. To learn more about the importance of obtaining regular eye exams, contact our experts at Wolcott’s Optical. Not only are regular eye exams important, but it is similarly important to ensure that you obtain the appropriate vision-correcting tools, such as eyeglasses and contact lenses. Don’t wear eyeglasses that aren’t prescribed to you.