There’s a persistent myth that if you wear glasses or contact lenses, they will end up making your vision worse in the long run. Similar myths fly about all areas of healthcare – people assume that vaccinations poison you instead of help you, that psychiatric drugs keep you reliant on them rather than actually helping with mental health issues, and more.
However, such myths are just that: myths. Glasses don’t make your vision worse. But here is what you need to know about why people think they can indeed make your vision worse and why this is not the case. Let’s jump on into it.
Why People Think Glasses Make Your Vision Worse
There are several reasons why people think that glasses make your vision worse. Some reasoning comes from those who believe that there are natural, holistic solutions to all issues while other reasons come from people who don’t understand certain factors involved with getting glasses.
Here are some of the main reasons why people think that glasses make your vision worse.
Myth #1: You Force Your Eyes To Adjust
People think you force your eyes to adjust to the lenses and that trying to find “holistic” ways to fix your vision is better than relying on contacts and glasses.
Myth #2: The Breaking-In Period Is Unnatural
People claim that your prescription will only be right when your eyes are in an adjusting state and that the breaking-in period is unnatural and a sign that you shouldn’t be wearing glasses.
Myth #3: Glasses Damage Your Vision
People say that glasses can damage your vision since the lenses are in front of your eyes, and you would have to move your head to see to either side.
Myth #4: Glasses Weaken Your Eyes
People claim that wearing glasses for too long damages your eyes and weakens the muscles. People have similar concerns with contacts, like how you can accidentally hurt yourself putting them in or taking them out or how they may impact oxygen to your eyes.
What People Claim Can Be Done About Vision Changes Instead Of Using Glasses
People who believe that glasses make your vision worse can claim that vision changes can be reversed or prevented from worsening by doing eye exercises and adjusting your diet accordingly, such as by including antioxidants and fish oil in your diet.
While these are very important for your eye health and can help to prevent issues, they’re not a substitute for corrective lenses. You should indeed do these things, however, if you have blurry vision, you should look into glasses or contact lenses too.
Do Glasses Actually Make Your Vision Worse?
No. There is no scientific evidence that glasses weaken your eyesight. Glasses actually help your eyesight.
Corrective lenses do just that – correct your vision. While wearing contacts for too long can strain your eyes, you can switch to glasses to alleviate eye strain. Blue light glasses can also help with excessive screen time.
It’s natural for your vision to worsen as you age – this is not because of your glasses, but just the natural aging process or because of eye diseases. Your vision can also worsen if you do things like staring directly into the sun.
Specialized glasses and contact lenses can even strengthen your eyes, rather than weaken them, such as glasses for crossed eyes or lazy eyes in children. After wearing these, the child may not need glasses again in the future after the vision therapy has concluded.
Do Glasses Make Your Eyes Dependent On Them?
No. Wearing glasses does not make your eyes dependent on them or cause your eye muscles to atrophy. Glasses do not make your vision worse, but you may find yourself reaching for them because you like being able to enjoy clear vision that you don’t have otherwise.
Does Taking Care Of Your Eyes Prevent Your Vision From Worsening?
While it’s good to take good care of your eyes, this won’t exactly prevent your vision from worsening
People tend to need stronger prescriptions as they get older not because their prescription worsens their vision but because eye conditions can worsen with age, like nearsightedness.
Only eye surgery can fix your vision if you do not want to wear corrective lenses. While taking care of your eyes is important, doing so won’t improve bad vision.
Why Does My Vision Seem Worse After Wearing Glasses?
Your eyesight doesn’t actually get worse when you start wearing glasses, but it may seem like it because your perspective shifted. When you see the world clearly, you’re then more aware of the effects of your uncorrected vision. Your vision isn’t worse, but you can realize just how far from perfect it was now that you know what it’s like to see clearly.
If you experience bothersome symptoms with your glasses after two or so weeks, your prescription may be too weak or too strong, you can see your eye doctor to have it adjusted. Your glasses shouldn’t make your vision worse or cause long-term adverse symptoms.
Do You Need Glasses?
Come to Wolcott Optical and browse our wide selection of frames! We have frames for all different styles and needs. Contact us today to learn more about our glasses.