You rely on your vision every single day. Your eyes experience a substantial amount of strain, so it is vital to ensure that you give them breaks when necessary and prevent any damage from escalating. This is a process that is growing in importance, as more and more jobs require employees to spend a substantial amount of time staring at digital screens. There are multiple steps that you can take to protect your eyes and your vision. Here are a few eye exercises that can help you to keep your eyes in good condition.
The Benefits of Eye Exercises

With the growing popularity of technology, many people are required to stare at a computer screen all day for work. This can cause incredible amounts of strain to your eyes, which can result in a multitude of problems. Eye exercises can help to protect your eyes and minimize the amount of strain placed on them. This can help to prevent your eyes from drying out, and can also help you to eliminate headaches. If you are experiencing regular headaches, it is very likely that your eyes are experiencing substantial amounts of strain. Implementing effective eye exercises every day can go a long way toward preventing damage from occurring to your eyes, as well as keep you far more comfortable over time.
Palming helps your eyes in two different ways and can be an incredibly effective exercise for your eyes. This process involves rubbing your hands together vigorously to heat up your palms. Once they are warm, you should place them over your eyelids. Refrain from pressing down too hard on your eyes. You should not experience discomfort with the pressure on your eyes. This helps to give your eyes a break and the heat also helps to relax the muscles in your eyes. Heat is an especially effective method for enhancing relaxation and preventing strain from occurring to your eyes. They also give your eyes a break, as they will be closed while your palms transfer heat to the eyes.
Near and Far Focus
Near and far focus is an eye exercise that is exactly what it sounds like. You focus on something near and then you focus on something far away to help exercise and stretch your eyes. Hold your thumb roughly 10 inches away from your eyes. Focus on your thumb for around 15 seconds. Then, locate an object that is approximately 10 to 20 feet away from you. Shift the focus from your thumb to this object for another 15 seconds. After this, focus back on your thumb. Repeat the process about 5 times to ensure that your eyes are effectively exercised.
The 20-20-20 Rule
Your eyes aren’t intended to stare at a digital screen for hours on end. This is one of the major reasons why eye strain is so incredibly common. To reduce the likelihood of strain to your eyes, you should follow the 20-20-20 rule. This rule encourages you to shift your focus away from your screen every 20 minutes, as extended time staring at a screen is a leading contributor of strain. Focus on a point 20 feet away for 20 seconds at a time. Effectively following this rule can go a long way toward minimizing eye strain and preventing damage from occurring to your eyes.
Blinking is an automatic function for a reason. It helps to keep your eyes moisturized and helps to prevent excessive dryness. This is especially important when you wear contact lenses, as dried out lenses can become uncomfortable and cause scratching and other damage to your eyes. Unfortunately, many people don’t blink as often as they should when they are staring at a digital device. Periodically, you should take a break from staring at the screen and focus on blinking. Set a timer for 2 minutes. During this period of 2 minutes, you should blink every 4 seconds to moisturize and reinvigorate your eyes. Do this several times to prevent eye strain.
Figure 8
The figure 8 eye exercise is rather simple to complete and can be an effective eye exercise. Focus on a point approximately 10 feet away from your eyes. Picture a large number 8 and then imagine it turned on its side, forming a figure 8 or infinity symbol. Trace this figure 8 with your eyes for around 2 minutes. After this, trace the figure 8 in reverse for an additional 2 minutes. This can help to stretch your eyes and prevent them from becoming strained with overuse. Doing the figure 8 exercise regularly is a great way to reduce the likelihood of damage occurring to your eyes, which substantially helps to protect your vision and improve your comfort.
Other Ways to Protect your Eyes
Though eye exercises have been shown to help minimize the likelihood of eye strain, few studies have shown that these exercises actually improve your vision. It is important to implement all of the steps necessary to protect the health of your eyes. You should obtain eye exams on a regular basis to ensure that any possible issues are discovered early on. You should also ensure that you wear sunglasses when you are outside to prevent damage from exposure to UV rays. Eating healthily can help to keep your eyes similarly healthy. Finally, it is important to follow the instructions of your optometrist and wear contacts or glasses as prescribed. Contrary to popular belief, prescription corrective methods won’t hurt your vision or make it worse.
Here at Wolcott Optical, we strive to provide all of the services necessary to protect the health of your eyes and ensure that you are able to see clearly. We carry a large selection of glasses with various frames, along with sunglasses. We are able to provide eye exams and other services to enhance the health of your eyes. To learn more about the many services that we offer, as well as how they can improve your vision, contact our experts today!